You are not alone.

Scroll down for dry eye patient resources, or explore our scleral lens resources (

I still have some better eye and mental health days and some worse but I know I am not alone.

Best advice I got here:

“take one day, one hour, even one minute at a time” and

“don't believe everything you think” and

“even when things don't get better, WE get better.”


Zoom groups

Feeling isolated? Wishing someone in your life (and not just on Facebook!) understood what dry eye is like for you? Struggling with practical aspects of living with dry eye? Need some practical pointers or help troubleshooting a specific issue?

We have Zoom support group meetings every week on a variety of topics, such as the mental health impact of dry eye, scleral lenses, millennials and gen-z with dry eye, and more.

Check out the Zoom Group Calendar and find a group to join, or watch a group in our YouTube archives.

Social media groups & other sites

  • Facebook groups: DryEyeTalk, MyBigFatScleralLens

  • DryEyeZone Forums: This is the longest-running dry eye forum on the internet. These days, many new users prefer the convenience and rapid-fire interactions of Facebook groups, but the forum still offers unique advantages, including anonymity, in-depth discussions, and searchable archives.

  • YouTube channel: All our past Dry Eye Happy Hour forum discussions, and many support group sessions (from 2020-2022), are archived on YouTube.

  • Dry Eye Stories: Reading stories from other patients is a simple, effective way to start finding vital common threads with other patients. Everyone’s story is unique - and yet each story bears echoes of others.

Dry eye helpline


Not sure where to start?

Call 1-800-484-0244 and let us know a good day/time to chat, or go ahead and schedule an appointment online.

We are here to help! Please reach out.

The Dry Eye Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit with a mission to improve quality of life for people with ocular surface diseases and ocular surface pain. The Foundation was established in 2018 as an outgrowth of the Dry Eye Zone, founded in 2005.

Read more about us.

To anyone that is just starting this process, having patience is a big key. There is no immediate answer or relief solution, as everyone is different. Just know all of the components of the disease when you go into it and hope for one of the remedies to bring some relief!! And I continually hope for new medical solutions.


Keep a journal of what treatments you are using and find a doctor who will actually read and listen about the pain you are suffering. Never give up— there is a doctor out there who probably has the answer for you.
