Dry Eye Foundation LIVE - 6/3/2022

June 3, 2022



  • Foundation updates: As part of our new nonprofit software package, we have a new donation form that we really like and which makes it much easier to set up a recurring donation. We are also moving the Helpline into our new software, which will help us follow up more regularly with clients.

  • Survey: Last week we looked at symptom types. Today we continued to look through our results on symptoms, including how they started, how they fluctuate during the day, and how they change from season to season,. We also glanced at participants’ comments about symptoms (17 pages worth!)

  • News & journal roundup: A quick reminder about the drug pipeline page. An abstract about Tyrvaya and its impact on goblet cells. A study about a breast cancer treatment and its impact on dry eye. Next, type 2 diabetes and how it may impact corneal nerves and blinking. An interesting metaanalysis of studies about dry eye and smoking. Last, a cross-sectional study about MGD and symptom and sign scores.

  • Issues: Biologic eye drops - we highlighted concerns about placenta and amniotic fluid eye drops not being FDA approved and not being packaged in bottles that are safe for preservative-free liquids. Please learn more at biologiceyedrops.org, where we have detailed information, advice and tools for discussing this issue with your eye doctor, and contact information for the FDA.

  • Calendar: Aidan ran over the coming month’s Zoom group meetings and gave a heads up about his upcoming month-long trip.


Dry Eye Foundation LIVE - 6/17/22


Dry Eye Foundation LIVE - 5/27/2022